OVERFLOW THERE - in Northern Kenya
Through our 15-year partnership with Missions of Hope International (MOHI), we’ve come face-to-face with the harsh realities of life in northern Kenya on the South Sudan border.
The Turkana and Toposa tribes struggle to survive in an arid, desert-like environment. High temperatures and minimal rainfall make access to water and pasturelands a constant struggle.
Droughts and resource scarcity frequently lead to migration in search of water and grazing land, often sparking conflicts over resources and a retaliatory cycle of violence. Despite peace efforts, access to AK-47s left over from the war in Sudan has only heightened the devastation. Teenage boys are often involved in this cattle raid killing, and sometimes girls are abducted in the process.
Child marriage customs among the Turkana and Toposa are heavily tied to cattle, bride price, and social status. Young girls, sometimes as early as 10 or 12 years old, are forced into marriage with much older polygamous men. Both boys and girls have little to no access to education.
Traditional beliefs in ancestral spirits and divination offer little hope or help in changing the sad cycle of struggle, abuse, and death.
We have been invited to help change this forever by helping to build a new Missions of Hope International school in northern Kenya on the South Sudan border. We are also going to partner with LifeWay International to spark a disciple making movement among the Toposa tribe, arch enemies of the Turkana. Together, we will help end the cycle of violence, oppression, and hopelessness.
To make this vision a reality, we are pursuing a Dream Goal of $1.25M.
The first $250,00 (20% of the Dream Goal) will go directly to Kenya, fueling two critical initiatives:
Dream Goal: $1.25M
...will help
end the cycle of violence, oppression, and hopelessness.
For more information on each of the initiatives, click the respective buttons.