with: Becoming people of love
What would it look like for you to experience true flourishing in your relationships? The very first page of Scripture casts a remarkable vision for human connectedness, and Jesus emphasized love for others as a supreme value, but all of us experience challenges in our relationships. We need help from the Author of human relationships to overcome the blocks that disconnect us.
Livestream services available every week on our Facebook page. Sundays @ 9:30am EST
Stay up to date with what's going on as well as weekly financial updates.
Discussion questions provided weekly based on the weekend's message.
Additional resources related to specific sermon series for further personal or small group study.
Preparing for worship each weekend with by listening to our weekly worship playlist.
LifeSpring is in the process of switching our management software away from the HUB. While we continue to add additional features to better your experience, we encourage you to begin using Church Center to:
The staff at LifeSpring appreciates your patience during the transition. In the meantime, if you have questions, please reach out to Kristy Kathman at kristy@lscommunity.org.
We’ve seen firsthand how God can change lives through video resources. That’s why we have RightNow Media. Now, every person at LifeSpring can access over 20,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. Click below to get started!
To create an account, email Kelly Smith at kelly@lscommunity.org