LifeSpring Student Ministries (LSM) offers relevant teachings for grades
6-12 with biblical perspectives on issues that affect students today.
We strive to see students encouraged, challenged, and equipped to grow as disciples of Christ.
We offer a safe place where students can worship together, develop life-long friendships, discover biblical truths, and serve together—all while having a blast. Yes, we value fun! We encourage students to ask the hard questions about God, explore their faith, and grow deeper in their relationships with Jesus.
We plan outings, retreats, lock-ins, and other events to help students grow in community and faith alongside one another. These events also provide students with an easy opportunity to reach out and invite others to become a part of their growing community.
A typical Sunday evening includes:
We typically meet every Sunday night at the Community Commons.
Jr. High & High School (grades 6-12)
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
For more information, reach out to our Student Pastor:
Seth Phelps at
To receive text alerts:
Junior high: text @lsmjrhigh to 81010
Senior high:
text@lsmyouth to 81010
Student LifeGroups
Student LifeGroups are an integral part of LifeSpring Student Ministry because we recognize the importance of being in a community with other believers. Our student-focused LifeGroups give our students a place where they feel comfortable, where they can ask questions, learn to connect with God, and learn how to grow in their relationships with other believers. LifeSpring Student Ministries offers weekly LifeGroups for any student who is currently in 6th-12th grade.
If you have any questions about our student LifeGroups and want help getting connected, please contact Seth Phelps at