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Learn more about our 2 year discipleship journey kicking off March 2025!

Lifespring Community Christian Church

Sat: 5PM   Sun: 9:30AM & 11:15AM


Overflow is a two-year discipleship journey of overflowing generosity, where we will allow God’s love to fill and move through us—

here, there, and everywhere.



Individually and as a church, we are all called to grow into the image of Jesus—this requires us to stretch, to challenge ourselves, and to move beyond the comfort of the familiar. It's easy to slip into complacency, but we are being stirred to rise up and step out. 

As a church, we believe God is urging us to unite and boldly move beyond our comfort zones to reach the lost and broken here, there, and everywhere

HERE at the Community Commons:

With new neighborhoods springing up and our community growing rapidly, more families are using the Community Commons. For years, we have felt the squeeze of increasing numbers in our weekend children’s services, yet a financially feasible solution to build has remained out of reach.

To reach and serve our growing community, we must first reduce our debt. By freeing up resources now, we can position ourselves to expand our facility, better serve our city, and mobilize more disciple-makers for the future.

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THERE in Northern Kenya:

Through our partnership with Missions of Hope International (MOHI), we’ve come face-to-face with a harsh reality—a land where tribes battle for water, cattle, and survival, young boys are forced into the violence, and young girls are forced into arranged marriages with much older, polygamous men. 

We have been invited to change this forever by helping build a new MOHI school in the desert and adopting an unreached people group nearby to start a disciple making movement with them. This will break the sad cycle of hopelessness, poverty, war, and oppression.

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The number of people in the U.S. who don’t know Jesus is rising at an alarming rate. News headlines expose the world’s brokenness, but we don’t need statistics to see the tragic effects all around us—lives lost in hopelessness and emptiness, facing an eternity without God.

Mobilizing an army of disciple makers from LifeSpring, starting new faith communities, and in collaboration with other local churches, we can saturate our area with the Gospel of God’s Kingdom.

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Nanam Spotlight

See It for Yourself: Jeff’s self-filmed 20-minute mini-documentary from his trip last summer captures the raw desperation of a people struggling to survive in the desert.

Our Response To These Needs

Overflow is a two-year discipleship journey of extravagant generosity, where we allow God’s love to fill us and flow through us -  here, there, and everywhere.

What Does This Mean?

  1. We draw near to Jesus, allowing His heart for the lost and broken to fill and transform us.
  2. We follow His example by giving sacrificially and boldly to advance His mission - here, there, and everywhere.
  3. We become disciple-makers like Jesus, carrying the Gospel everywhere we go. By collaborating with other churches and planting new ones, we will saturate our communities with the Good News of King Jesus.

What would happen if 100% of LifeSpring Community stepped forward

in faith, growing in generosity and following Jesus more fully?

Dream Goal: $1.25M Celebration Goal: $750k in above and beyond giving

...a blessing that will

overflow in three powerful ways:

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For more information on each of the initiatives, click the respective buttons.

What's My Part?

For God’s goodness to overflow from our lives into a lost and broken world, it will take all of us—seeking Him, listening to His leading, and stepping out in faith to give generously over the next two years.

But this isn’t just about what God wants to do through us—it’s also about what He wants to do in us and for us as we follow Jesus’ example:

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.”
—2 Corinthians 8:9 (NLT)

What Can I Do Right Now?

LISTEN to God – Pray about your above-and-beyond financial commitment.

GIVE in response to the Spirit’s leading:

  • Courageous (Upfront): Make a bold statement of faith by giving the largest gift you’ve ever given to a church on Commitment Weekend.

  • Consistent (Ongoing): Set up weekly or monthly giving through June 2027.

  • Creative: Consider non-cash gifts like real estate, boats, cars, stocks, or bonds.

God is inviting you into a life of overflow—will you step in?

Example Giving Chart

Overflow Booklet

Hard copies of this booklet will be handed out in services, but feel free to download a copy as well. Be sure to check out a few of the highlights including the practical strategies guide, prayer guide, and family meeting guide.

Download Booklet

Overflow Prayer Guide

Looking for a way to deepen your faith and align your heart with God’s generosity? Our Overflow Prayer Guide is designed to help you reflect on how God’s grace overflows in your life and how you can respond with joyful, sacrificial generosity. Through guided Scripture readings, thought-provoking reflection questions, and focused prayer prompts, this guide will help you cultivate a willing heart, prepare intentionally, and trust God’s provision as you step into generosity. Join us in seeking His vision for Overflow and discovering how our giving can impact lives—here, there, and everywhere. Check it out today!

Prayer Guide


  • What is Overflow?

    Overflow is a two-year discipleship journey focused on extravagant generosity. It's about allowing God’s love to fill us and flow through us—here, there, and everywhere.

  • Why are we doing this?

    We are called to grow into the image of Jesus, stretching beyond our comfort zones. The Spirit is leading us to go deeper into God’s heart and Jesus’ mission, overflowing with His love like never before.

  • How will this campaign advance the mission of our church?

    Overflow will strengthen our connection to God and supercharge our disciple-making efforts, uniting us as we join God in restoring a broken world.

  • How does this align with biblical principles of stewardship and generosity?

    Overflow reflects God’s heart for sacrificial generosity. As we look to the example of Jesus and the early church, we seek to respond to God’s call by generously giving to advance His mission.

Local & Global

  • What impact will Overflow have on our local community and global mission?

    Locally, Overflow will help saturate our community with the Good News of Jesus, ensuring no street, neighborhood, school, or workplace is left untouched.

    Globally, we’ll partner with Missions of Hope International to break the cycle of violence in northern Kenya and launch a movement of restoration.

Financial Questions

  • Why are we raising money when giving is already under budget this year?

    Our elders and finance team are wisely managing expenses to align with our giving and prioritizing our budget for maximum kingdom impact. We're grateful to have a gifted team of stewards leading and serving in this way. We believe God is calling us to move beyond maintenance and reach the lost, not just here, but everywhere. This is about stepping up in faith to join God’s mission, not just balancing the budget.

  • Why are we helping others when we’re facing inflation?

    We are inspired by the sacrificial love of Jesus, who gave up His riches for our sake (2 Corinthians 8:9). We want to follow the example of the Christians in the church in Corinth who gave freely out of their poverty to express their love and to support those in greater need (2 Corinthians 8:3-5).

  • Is this just a way to raise more money given that we're under budget?

    No. Overflow has been planned for over a year and is not tied to any current budget shortfall. 100% of the funds raised will be used for urgent needs in Kenya and local Gospel saturation, not our operating budget.

  • What is the total financial goal of the campaign?

    The Dream Goal is $1.25M over two years, with a Celebration Goal of $750,000. Every dollar will flow into three key areas: Kenya, local mission, and debt reduction.

  • How will funds be allocated among the three initiatives?

    • $250,000 (20%) will go to Kenya for a Missions of Hope International school and adopting an unreached tribe.
    • 10% will support Gospel saturation locally, mobilizing disciple-makers, everyday missionaries, and fueling new partnerships with local churches.
    • 70% will go toward debt reduction for the Community Commons.

  • Why are we giving the first $250,000 to Kenya?

    The cry for help is clear, and God is calling us to respond. Missions of Hope can begin their work immediately with our support, and lives are hanging in the balance.

  • What accountability measures are in place to ensure responsible use of funds?

    We have strong oversight and financial transparency and will provide detailed reports and updates on how funds are being used for each initiative.

  • What happens if we don’t raise the full amount?

    Even if we don’t reach the Dream Goal, the first $250,000 will still go to Kenya, and 10% of the funds raised will go toward local Gospel saturation. Any remainder will go toward debt reduction.

  • What happens if we exceed the goal?

    If we exceed the goal, after the initial $250,000 to Kenya and 10% for local mission, the surplus will go towards paying down debt and, if that is met, into a designated building fund for future expansion.

  • How can I be sure my contribution is making a real difference?

    You’ll receive regular updates in services and by email, including how funds are being used, and we’ll share stories of impact locally and globally as the initiative progresses.

Debt Reduction

  • Why is paying down debt a priority?

    Reducing debt positions us for future growth and expansion, saving us significant interest in the long run. It helps ensure that we can continue growing without being constrained by debt.

  • How much debt do we currently have, and what is our long-term financial strategy?

    We currently have about $2.75 million in debt, with over $400,000 already set aside for future construction. Our plan is to reduce debt by 32%, positioning us for future growth without having unmanageable payments.

Giving Expectations & Options

  • What is expected of me?

    We ask you to prayerfully consider what God is calling you to give. Your sacrificial and joyful generosity will advance His mission to restore a broken world through making disciples.

  • How much are we expected to give?

    We’re asking each person to give what God leads them to give. This may look different for everyone, and it will be both a sacrifice and a joy.

  • Are we asking for one-time gifts, ongoing commitments, or both?

    We are asking for both types:

    • Upfront: Make a bold gift during Commitment Weekend (April 12-13).
    • Ongoing: Set up weekly or monthly giving through June 2027.

  • Can I give in ways other than cash (e.g., stocks, assets, estate planning)?

    Yes, we encourage gifts of stocks, real estate, cars, or other assets. Please reach out to discuss these options at

    You can also refer to this Creative Giving Resources document.

  • When will we make our financial commitments?

    Commitments and initial gifts will be received on Commitment Weekend (April 12-13). You can still participate if you can’t attend by making your pledge online at at any point during the two year journey.

  • What if I’m already giving sacrificially—am I still expected to contribute?

    Yes, we encourage everyone to give sacrificially according to what God calls them to, even if you’re already giving generously.

  • What happens if my financial situation changes after I make a pledge?

    We understand life circumstances can change. If you need to adjust your commitment, please reach out to us—we’re here to support you.

Timeline & Logistics

  • How long will the campaign last?

    The campaign is a two-year journey, officially concluding in June 2027.

  • When and how should we expect to see results from the initiatives we’re funding?

    As funds are raised, we will begin allocating them immediately for the Kenya initiatives. You can expect monthly updates on the impact of your gifts.

  • What role do small groups and ministries play in supporting the campaign?

    Small groups will be a key part of helping to spread the vision, share the story, and pray for the initiatives. We encourage everyone to engage with the campaign in their groups.

  • Are there ways to participate beyond financial giving?

    Yes! Prayer support is crucial. We’ll have a week of prayer (April 7-11) and a special 24-hour prayer event April 11-12. These will be great opportunities for you, your family, and your small group to collectively participate in praying for the Overflow discipleship journey together. All our prayers and participation in the discipleship journey are vital to the success of Overflow.

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