Arguably, the two most important personal habits to help you grow “up” in your relationship to God involve prayer and the Bible.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is God’s Word, and through the work of His Spirit, you can grow in your ability to hear and obey it.
If we could only do one thing as a church, it would be to help you hear and obey God by reading, reflecting on, and obeying Scripture. At LifeSpring, we often use the Discovery Bible Study method:
Don’t just try to do this alone, though. We encourage you to team up! We can help you get connected to others who are wanting to do the same thing.
With prayer, there is so much that could be said. At its essence, though, prayer is simply you communicating with God – both talking and listening. Reading and reflecting on the Bible is listening to God speak. The Holy Spirit personalizes Jesus’ words and Scripture to encourage, strengthen, comfort, convict, and direct our lives.
Here are some helpful tools to develop your prayer life: