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Learn more about our 2 year discipleship journey kicking off March 2025!

Lifespring Community Christian Church

Sat: 5PM   Sun: 9:30AM & 11:15AM



Each fiscal year (July-June), elders are chosen to provide oversight and be spiritual governors of our church. They are called by God to serve and lead the congregation to accomplish its mission. They are first proven as ministry leaders and then assume the additional responsibility of overseeing and shepherding the congregation. They are nominated on the basis of biblical qualifications including spiritual maturity, character, and leadership, and they are affirmed by the church annually to serve one-year terms.

more about eldership at LifeSpring here

The following men have been approved to serve for the

2024-2025 term:

John Taylor

John and his wife Mary Kay have been members of LifeSpring (from its pre-multi site days) for over 40 years. They have three children: Kathryn, Joshua, Jacob, and multiple grandchildren. John is a current elder and is also the Facility Manager of the Community Commons and Broadway Commons buildings and serves in other areas as well. He retired from the Hamilton County Sheriffs' Office as a captain after 30 years of service and was also the Athletic Director and men's baseball coach at Cincinnati Christian University.

Chris Witzgall

Chris is a current LifeSpring elder and is happily married to his wife Denise. They have two children: Sean (Ally), and Ashley. Chris is also a proud grandfather. Chris seeks to lead others with a servant's heart. He brings a lot of wisdom through his experiences with: G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers, Inc., D1 Training Fitness, AdvoCare, Women of Alabaster Ministry board, Purpose Promise, and the Pan Ohio Hope Ride. He also serves and leads several LifeSpring ministry teams.

Ed Hampton

Ed is a current LifeSpring elder and along with his wife Bethany, have been members of LifeSpring since its launch in the Harrison High School cafeteria in 2008. They have two daughters, Kayla and Hattie. Ed became a Christian through Young Life, a non-denominational high school ministry, and has a passion for seeing people’s lives transformed by Jesus. He is active in discipleship in a variety of outlets including Starting Point, leading a LifeGroup, giving messages and discipling a couple guys. He loves being outside, traveling and playing with Hattie. Ed is a history major currently pretending to be a scientist at P&G, working on the Swiffer brand. One of Ed’s passion areas is to see the body of Christ changing lives and being changed every day of the week where we live, work & play.

Darren Bowman

Darren and his wife Lisa have been members of LifeSpring for 15 years (first visit resulting from a postcard when the church began meeting at Harrison High School). As a CPA, he has been active in the church finances, serves on the finance committee, and is the church Treasurer. Darren leads an awesome LifeGroup, has previously served multiple years as a LifeSpring Elder, and played bass in the worship band. Darren and Lisa have two sons, Jesse (Jasmine) and Luke, and three grandchildren. Darren enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with the grandkids, and all things related to our Founding Fathers and the Revolutionary War. 

Dave Sullivan

Dave and his wife Cheryl have been members of LifeSpring since 2020 and have one teenage son, Ian. Dave is recently retired after 37 years as a chiropractic physician here in Harrison. He enjoys coaching Ian‘s sports teams, playing acoustic guitar, spending time outdoors, and managing the Homestead, which includes raising chickens, keeping bees, and making maple syrup. Dave and Cheryl also lead the Griefshare ministry at LifeSpring.

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